Monday, July 30, 2012

A Hair Past Halfway

Yesterday I had my first day of evening classes.  My schedule will stay this way until Friday, when the whole program has class at the same time.  This is what is enabling me to write to you at 9:22am, because I have the morning off!

Last Thursday night one of the students organized a party for all intensive participants.  Everyone brought their own food and drink to a beach dear the Suzanne Dellal Center.  We even stipped down to our skivvies and jumped around in the waves with the starry Israel sky above.  Ingrid and I slipped out around 2am, but things were still a'popping.

Friday we only had one class, and then in the afternoon Yossi Chaikin, an old classmate, came to visit from Haifa.  Yossi was part of our class for two and a half years.  When he went home for winter break this past year, he didn't come back due to some injuries, so we hadn't seen him in ages!  He brought a friend, also named Yossi, and we all went out for dinner and dancing.  It was great to have so many members of 2013 packed into a tiny bit of dance floor on the opposite side of the world from where we are used to dancing together.  Yossi will return to Juilliard with the class below in January to finish his edumacation.

Saturday Ingrid and Scott slept in until 1!  How they do it, I will never know.  I, of course, was up, bright eyed and bouncing around, at 9:30.  After a leisurely morning of reading, Scott and Lindsay joined Ingrid and myself for a makeshift lunch before heading to the beach.  It was our one full day off throughout the whole of the program, so we made sure to do absolutely nothing more than we had to.

Sunday morning it was back to class.  As I walked in the door I realized that here I wasn't surrounded by the usual dance intensive suspects with neatly arranged buns and overloaded dance bags.  This program is filled with the young and old, gaga-experienced, and gaga-inexperienced, dancers looking to discover, and dancers looking for a job.  The program participants are all here from such different backgrounds, and are probably taking totally different things away from this program than I am.  Some of the people don't even do the rep part of the day.  The sit quietly with a notebook, jotting down ideas, squeezing everything they can from the experience.  Mom, do I see a trip to Israel about this time next year in your future?

I am still enjoying my classes tons, and at the moment hear them calling my name.  Actually, that may be the beach.  Thanks for reading!

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